The Slow Download

To start with, I just can't stand people getting all Third Person while writing about themselves on a website profile. Sounds like they're taking themselves too seriously and that can never be fun!

I love the internet and the absolute dummied victims to social oversharing that we've made out of ourselves. I love the internet becuase it simultaneously is the most democratic medium available and also, in Facebook, for the first time creates a scenario where as a potential monarch, I can reach out to influence half a billion people around the world. But most of all, I love the internet because it makes some of my other esteemed peers so absolutely excited about it that they keep mumbling "social", "community" and "platform" all the time and sound extremely hilarious.

I have a certain aversion to 'under-chickened' burgers, 'over-salted' food, under-emphasis on business model and over-emphasis on powerpoint.

Off the internet (and at some URLs, even ON it), I play the guitar, the organ, the harmonica and the panflute.